We have a Covid19 Risk Assessment and a “What we expect from you as a Parent through Covid19 (T&C’s)” which will be sent through to you with our Brochure. The risk assessment will show you the risks we have identified through the pandemic and what we have put in place to combat that risk. The Parent T&C’s are things we need from you to ensure what we do is successful at keeping the virus at bay.
This risk assessment has meant that we have had to change some of our practises.
Parents are no longer allowed into the Nursery, this did impact on how the team can communicate with you so we invested in the Famly app which means you have direct to the children caring for your child via an app on your smart phone, tablet, laptop or computer.
Children wash their hands at the entrance before going into the main rooms. They also follow handwashing guidelines through the day. We social distance staff to staff but not staff to child so your child will never lack affection and attention. The team wear visors or masks for your child’s arrival or departure but not when with your child in their group.
We have always been a Nursery that promotes the outdoors and we are fortunate to have grounds that really cant be beaten. Added to the outside in 2020 were outside classrooms for preschool and toddlers and a cover over the decking outside the baby and toddler areas all allowing more opportunities to stay outside.
In 2021 a new larger outside cover will be built over the patio.
At the start of the pandemic we adopted the Denmark model of bubbles immediately. We have used bubbles that correspond with the adult to child ratios that are set by CIW. We will remain working that way for the foreseeable future.
Cleaning has always been a priority in childcare so this was simply reviewed and extra cleaning was implemented when groups moved.
Viewings are all done on Saturdays and weekday evenings by appointment only.
If you have any further questions about our Covid19 practices please email us on hello@chuckles.wales
© Chuckles Nursery Newport